Whether through community events, policy discussions, or volunteer opportunities, the Huntington Republican Committee is working hard to engage with students and young professionals throughout our township. Young Republicans recognize that Democrats' big-government policies are failing our town and county, our state, and our nation -- and we want our young residents to know the Republican Party is fighting for a better future.
The Huntington Young Republicans are a group of Young Republicans from the Huntington Township, New York. We are an inclusive coalition of Young Professionals, 18-35, that support the Republican Party in Huntington and across Suffolk County. Our social group aims to engage the Huntington community through social, networking, philanthropic, and educational opportunities!
Chrissy Oddo, President
Christine Oddo has served as President of the Huntington Young Republicans since 2019, having previously served as Vice President in 2018 and 2017. She is a graduate of St. Anthony's High School, and received her undergraduate degree in Political Science and Spanish from the University of Connecticut. Christine is currently working as the Legislative Secretary to Huntington Town Councilman Edmund Smyth. She is an avid reader and enjoys volunteering when given the opportunity. Christine is grateful for the chance to take on her new role leading the YRs and she is optimistic looking towards the year to come!
Madalyn Vella, Vice President
Peter Tarantino, Secretary
Augustinas Zilinskis, Treasurer
Ryan Brosky, Recruitment Chair
Jamie Silvestri, Press Secretary