Proof Positive Gene Cook Has Turned His Back on Republicans and is Helping the Democrats

Proof Positive Gene Cook Has Turned His Back on Republicans and is Helping the Democrats

We've told you about how Gene Cook has aligned himself with key leaders in the Huntington Democrat Party in a shameful effort to divert votes away from the endorsed Republican-Conservative Town Supervisor candidate Ed Smyth and install Democrat Rebecca Sanin as Town Supervisor -- Rebecca Sanin, a vocal supporter of Socialist New York City Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

As it turns out, the same Huntington Democrat Party Vice Chair who collected petition signatures to place Gene Cook on the ballot for Town Supervisor this year is now displaying lawn signs at his home for BOTH the Democrat candidate for Town Supervisor AND Gene Cook!

That's odd, isn't it? Well, it's not odd if the intent is to use Gene Cook to help liberal Democrat Rebecca Sanin win. That's why you're seeing Cook and Kevin Orelli signs displayed together around town as well as Cook and Sanin signs. 

You can see the Democrat Vice Chair's yellow Huntington Highway Department truck in the driveway -- he works for Democrat Highway Superintendent Kevin Orelli.

This is proof positive that Gene Cook has turned his back on Republicans and our pro-taxpayer values to work the Democrats who want to raise our property taxes, allow high-rise developments to be constructed from one end of town to the other and they would rather spend taxpayer money on liberal programs than work with the Suffolk County Police Department to fight violent crime.

Not surprisingly, Gene partnered with Rebecca Sanin and Democrats on the Town Board in an attempt to expand high-density apartment building development across the town this summer. Thanks to Ed Smyth’s leadership and the outrage expressed by Town residents to their plan, we were able to stop Gene, Sanin and the Democrats from destroying our suburban quality of life.

We are proud that Town Board member and Deputy Supervisor Ed Smyth is our Republican-Conservative candidate for Town Supervisor. Ed is a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps (res.) and has led the effort to ease the burden on property taxpayers, stop overdevelopment, enact term limits and keep Huntington one of the safest communities in America -- in fact, Ed is the only Town Supervisor candidate with the full support of local law enforcement, as he has been unanimously endorsed by the Coalition of Suffolk Police Unions.

Keep this in mind when you cast your ballot this election -- please vote for our endorsed Republican Team—Ed Smyth, Andre Sorrentino, Dr. Dave Bennardo and Sal Ferro—to protect taxpayers and make Huntington an even better place to live.

Thank you for your support.


Tom McNally,


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