Jack Martins Named NRCC "Contender" in NY-03

Jack Martins Named NRCC "Contender" in NY-03

Jack Martins elevated to ‘Contender’ status as part of National Republican Congressional Committee’s "Young Guns" Program.


The National Republican Congressional Committee announced their first round of ‘Contender’ candidates today ahead of the 2016 elections. ‘Contender’ is the second level of the Committee’s ‘Young Guns’ program, which helps to provide candidates and their campaigns the tools they need to run successful, winning campaigns against their Democrat opponents.

The Young Guns program supports and mentors challenger and open-seat candidates in races across the country. Officially an NRCC effort for the past three election cycles, the program requires its candidates to work towards specific goals and meet benchmarks throughout the year to ensure their campaigns remain competitive, well-funded and communicative within their districts. “Contender” is the second of three levels in the Young Guns program and the final step before candidates reach “Young Gun” status. In the 2014 election cycle, the program helped to elect 45 new Republican Members to the 114th Congress.

Read more about Jack Martins campaign for NY-03 at www.martinsforcongress.com.

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