News12 Debate: Jack Martins for Congress
News 12 held its NY-3 debate and Jack Martins did great! Jack talked about the important priorities that Congress must focus and deliver on: cutting taxes, reducing debt, repealing and replacing Obamacare, and combating the heroin and opioid epidemic.
Read moreJacks Martins Releases TV Ad
Jack Martins, candidate for U.S. Congress, released a new TV ad introducing his family and highlighting his many legislative accomplishments.
Read moreSpeaker Ryan Endorses Jack Martins for Congress
Speaker Paul D. Ryan today has endorsed Senator Jack Martins in the race for the 3rd Congressional District, which encompassed northern Nassau County & the Town of Huntington.
Read moreJack Martins Named NRCC "Contender" in NY-03
Jack Martins elevated to ‘Contender’ status as part of National Republican Congressional Committee’s "Young Guns" Program.
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