Statement from the Huntington Republican Committee Regarding the Accessory Apartment Proposal
In an historic town wide election on November 2, 2021, Huntington overwhelmingly elected our Republican slate including Supervisor Ed Smyth and Town Board Members Sal Ferro and Dr. Dave Bennardo. A fundamental component of our platform was to ensure that the preservation of Huntington’s suburban quality of life was to be a top priority of the administration. I am writing today to reassure you that the Huntington Republican Committee, and all our elected officials and candidates, are strongly committed to that foundational belief and that we will continue to work together with you to ensure that Huntington remains the most beautiful and safe place in New York State to live, work and raise our families.
Many of you have reached out to express your views on the June 13th Town Board Public Hearing on a proposal to allow basement and garage units as accessory apartments. To be clear, there was no vote taken on the proposal. The purpose of the hearing was to allow you to voice your opinions on the proposal to the Town Board. Many citizens spoke at the hearing, some waiting in line for a long time so that their voice could be heard. After a lengthy hearing where both sides were given the opportunity to express their views, it was very apparent that the proposal was unacceptable to a vast majority of the community. We heard you loud and clear.
The Huntington Republican Committee and our Candidates for Town Board, Theresa Mari and Brooke Lupinacci, believe that the current proposal is not the appropriate solution for providing additional housing opportunities to the Huntington community. When Theresa and Brooke are elected on November 7, 2023, they will work with our Republican majority to fashion a safe and sustainable housing policy that provides diverse housing options for Huntington.
We thank you for your continued support of the Huntington Republican Committee as we remain focused on recruiting and electing the most qualified candidates to maintain a Republican majority and keep Huntington a safe, affordable place to live, raise our families and earn a living.