Cergol Puts Party Politics Ahead of Public Good
At the March 2019 Town Board meeting, Joan Cergol put politics over the good and the needs of the Town of Huntington (while Kevin Orelli slept):
At yesterday's Town Board meeting, Joan Cergol voted against $650,000 in critical infrastructure funding for the Town's General Services Department – money that was needed for crucial equipment that would be utilized for snow removal from commuter lots, parks upkeep, building maintenance, dead tree removal and more. Why? Because the General Services Department is headed by her 2019 Town Council opponent Andre Sorrentino. Heaven forbid that the General Services Department keeps making Huntington shine.
Perhaps Cergol has been alarmed by the praise Andre Sorrentino has received by members of the opposition Democrat Party for his leadership in beautifying and cleaning up Huntington Station and the Huntington Village Green. Good results could hurt Cergol’s chances for re-election so she decided to ignore the needs of the Town for political gain. Shame on you, Joan Cergol.
Under Andre Sorrentino's leadership, this bridge on the playground at Huntington Station's Depot Road Park was replaced. Prior to Andre's joining Town leadership as the head of the General Services Department, this playground bridge had been broken and closed for two years.
Andre Sorrentino's team removing long-dead trees to ensure Huntington Village is safe for pedestrians and drivers.
Andre Sorrentino has received much praise for his beautification efforts on the Village Green!
During the same meeting, Cergol voted to borrow $4.95 MILLION for Democrat Kevin Orelli's Highway Department for similar equipment despite the fact that the Highway Department has been plagued by numerous residents' complaints over the last year. Orelli was so interested in the millions of dollars that Cergol was borrowing for his department that he slept through much of yesterday’s Town Board meeting. Here he is pictured snoring away as the Town’s business was conducted.
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