Councilman Cook Visits Boy Scout Troop #34

Councilman Cook Visits Boy Scout Troop #34

Scouts of Troop #34 (Huntington Station, NY) received a surprise visit from Huntington Councilman Eugene Cook during their Merit Badge class on Citizenship In The Community taught by Counselor Janet Heller-Smitelli last week. 


"Just as we were discussing how decisions are made regarding development in our Town and how issues and problems are resolved, in walked Councilman Cook!" commented Janet Smitelli.

The scouts present then learned first hand about our community directly from one of our leaders. We were all very thankful for the time Mr. Cook provided us and the scouts were truly inspired.

Councilman Cook stated, “It was an honor to visit with Boy Scout Troop #34, seeing the future leaders of tomorrow taking an interest in their community and government.  I am thankful for the privilege that is allowed to me as a Huntington Town Councilman to be involved with these young men who are a role model to us all, because of their community service.”

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